Hello, everyone! It's been a while since my last post, and I'm sure you've been wondering where I've been and why it's been so quiet on this end.
Well, I'm here to spill some tea and give you a bit of a life update!
Just over two months ago, I embarked on a new journey: I took up a part-time job as a Home Design Consultant for one of the biggest retail companies in the UK.
It's been a wild ride so far…
The first six weeks involved being on the shop floor, and learning the ropes of retail. It was super tiring, being on my feet all day, getting to grips with retail protocols, doing training and tests every week, as well as interacting with customers and memorising the product!
So, as a result, my content creation had to take a backseat 😳
But now, I'm finally settling into the role and getting to do what I love most - design work 💖
It feels like I'm getting back to being myself again and doing work that speaks to my heart. It's a reminder that sometimes, life takes you on unexpected paths, and it's okay to take a pause and focus on the new journey.
I know many of you follow this space for the planner flips, the design content and the personal development info, and I apologise for the sudden silence.
The transition to the new job was more demanding than I anticipated, and juggling it with content creation proved to be a hefty challenge.
But here's the good news: I'm back and ready to dive back into creating content that you enjoy and find valuable. I have missed this space, missed connecting with all of you, and I'm excited to bring you along on this new journey in my life.
Thank you for sticking around during this quiet phase.
Your support means the world to me 🫶
Stay tuned for more updates and of course, more planner-related content. It feels good to be back!
Before you go, here’s a little house keeping:
I’m aiming to post on Sundays, instead of Thursdays.
Paid subscribers may have noticed their subscription billing was paused during my hiatus.
I’m not planning to switch paid subs back on just yet, but will give y’all good notice before I do!
Right, it’s time to get back to planning.
Chloe x